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Kumantong ( กุมารทอง ) ,is also spelled as Kuman Tong / Kuman Thong/ Guman Thong. Kumantong is a Divine Child Spirit. Worshipers of Kumantong consider them as Deities.

In the olden days, the main purpose of creating Kumantong was to protect the owner. The young child ghost could be activated with Mantra to fight the owner's enemies and to protect the owner's treasures.

In those days, Occult master had to go to the graveyard alone in the night, dig up the corpse of dead pregnant woman, cut the corpse's abdomen and then proceed directly to the nearest temple outer area for the roasting processes. That's the safe place to protect the ghost mother from trying to bring her baby back. So only the strong-mind person who possesses the advanced magical knowledge to subdue the ghost may do this.

More detailed information on different type of Kumantongs are explained here

In this present era, Kumantongs is created mainly for the purpose of bringing good luck , wealth and for fortune purposes, attract customers into the shop and protect owners from harm and harming no one. Kumantongs have to accept Buddhism and do no harm before they are given the status of "Kumantong".

Out of Compassion, Monks or Ar-Chans (Spiritual Masters of Thailand) in these present days still continue creating Kumantongs by invoking the souls of aborted fetus so as to liberate them. The souls of aborted fetuses are in great suffering, they are lost earth bound ghosts. Specific mantra are chanted to invite their souls to reside in the figurines.

By offering these souls of aborted fetuses a place to reside and with daily recitation of mantras, the keepers transfer their merits to these souls and pray that they are liberated. At the same time, these spiritual beings will bring prosperity and fortune and look after the keepers.

Apart from Guman Thong, there is also the Golden Gumaree, Gumaree or Gumareethong, essentially a female form of the Guman Thong.



Kumantong 4D Power & Taoist Sorcery Testimonials

Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

I trust that you are doing your best to help me - J.S , Malaysia

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Ibet 2nd Prize on Singapore Pools 4D - Win RM870

Client D.Neo Hit Ibet 1st Prize & Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88

Deities and Ghosts help to transfer Assets... with 'Assets Transfer' Ritual

The (Fox Spirit Series) Supreme Sex God (5 in 1) Talisman has a positive influence on me..

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto Iperm 1st Prize - Win RM2505!

Malaysia Client J.S Win Abit Only - But Still Very Happy

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your Kumantong 4D Websites

Malaysia Client J.S Hit Sports Toto Direct & Iperm Consolation - Win RM$1530

Malaysia Client J.S Strike Sports Toto 4D 3rd Prize Iperm - Win Only RM315

Client V. Tan Strike Direct Starter with Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Sent Ang Bao SGD$38

Client Z.B Hit Ibet Starter - Gave Ang Bao SGD$30

My dog's health has slowly improved after You did a Ritual...

Miss 1 Number but Client Z.B Still Strike Direct 2nd Prize - Ang Bao SGD$100

Your Kumantong 4D Prediction Method helped me Strike Lottery!

Client Strike 4 out of 7 Numbers from Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

Client Z.B bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Malaysian Chinese Guy prayed to the Picture of 3 Kumantongs and Strike Toto 4D Ibox 1st Prize

Client Win Ibet Consolation and Sent SGD$20 Ang Bao and a Lesson to Learn

Malaysian Client Strike Magnum 4D Mbox 3rd Prize - Win RM1,512 - Gave Ang Bao - SGD$100

Client Ardi from Australia has been blessed by his 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 in 1 Talisman & 'Gods Of Wealth Of All directions' Talisman

Client Z.B miss her Ibet 1st Prize but still send Ang Bao - SGD$30 !

Client Cham Hit Direct Starter On Singapore Pools 4D - Win SGD$250 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$88! Very Generous Indeed!

Client W.L pray and seek 4D Numbers from Gods Of Wealth Talisman and Strike Ibet 2nd Prize

Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao

Client Z.B Win SGD$500 - Gives SGD$200 Ang Bao!!

Client Z.B Strike 1st prize system with Kumantong's hint - Win SGD$2000 - Give Ang Bao SGD$200

Client Z.B Hit Horse Shit and Give SGD$20 Ang Bao

Client Z.B Hit Direct Horse Shit on his own - Give Ang Bao - SGD$200!!

Miss 1 Number but Received Ang Bao - SGD$200!!

Malaysia Client Hit Mbox 2nd Prize On MAGNUM 4D - Blessed By Her "GODS OF WEALTH OF ALL DIRECTION" TALISMAN

Client D.Koh Strike 4D Again! - 2nd Prize - Win SGD$1000

Client D.Koh Won 1st Prize - SGD$2000 on the 2nd Try

Client Cham Strikes 4D again - Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$5000

Client Cham Strikes 4D again - Ibet 2nd Prize - SGD$620

Client Cham Hit Direct 2nd Prize On Singapore Pools 4D! - Won SGD$2000!

Yet another 'Supreme Master Investor' 7 In 1 Talisman is created and spiritually empowered for another client

Unique Taoist Altar Setup By An American Follower

To Strike TOTO - Just Pray and Press a Button

After giving CNY Ang Bao, She Strikes 4D Direct Starter

SGD$1000 Ang Bao From Malaysia Client

He won only SGD$85 on TOTO and gave Ang Bao - SGD$18

After getting the Wealth Talisman , our life is good financially..

Client M.K Hit Ibet Consol & Ibet Starter Within 1 Week..

The Bagua Jade has been a huge blessing in my life...

A Generous Client Won RM$294 But Gave Ang Bao - SGD$10 (MYR$30.47)!!

Client Hit Ibet Starter - Win SGD$100 But Gives Ang Bao SGD20!

Client PK Strikes Direct Consolation Again - With his own Kumantong!

Your Talismans have so many wonderful effects - By Noctis E. , Singapore

Client PK Strike 4D Direct Consolation with His Kumantong's Help

Client Hit Ibet 3rd Prize - Win SGD$200 - Give Ang Bao $28!

Indian Client Hit Magnum 4D 1st Prize Direct - Won Rm15,500

Damn Powerful Altar Of Andrew B, Florida, USA

Win $18 - Give Ang Bao $50!

Your Taoist Talismans have helped me in my Stocks & Shares Investments - Isa Ng, Singapore

The Spiritual Power Of Gods Of Wealth Talisman - Review By Andrews B.


Client from Spain - Received her 'Ultimate 5 Ghosts' Multi-Purpose Talisman

An encouraging email from a Feng Shui practitioner in America

Taoist Talismans sent to him have help him progressed in his Taoist Path...

Client Hit Direct Starter on 2nd Day of CNY 2020

It has given me quiet confidence and eloquence ..

Won SGD$830 on Ibet 1st Prize and Ang Bao SGD$88 for You

"I Strike Direct Starter (SG Pools 4D) !" - Kenneth

Token of appreciation of SGD$500 - The Talismans work!

Your Kumantong even can let me Strike Toto.. Amazing!

Just bought Your Tiny Oil Bottle Kumantong and it's damn Powerful!

Follower of Kumantong 4D Method Hits Ibet 2nd Prize

Come out 1st Prize...But forget to buy!

Client Dick Hit 1st Prize (Full System) on Kumantong 4D Prediction

Client Azhar Hit 1st Prize Ibet On Singapore Pools 4D

Activating Hindu Altar with 36 Heavenly Warriors Talisman..

Testimony to share and I hope you can share with your followers - Mr. Nguyen, California

Miss 1 number is already very Scary..

Your Kumantongs are really damn Power!

Last Week Strike.. This Week Strike again

Follower Strike SGD$30 and give Ang Bao SGD$8.88

She won only SGD$50 Ibet Starter but gave Ang Bao SGD$18!

The 'Noblemen Come Desperately Helping' Talisman has arrived today... I can feel the power

SGD$18 Ang Bao from follower for Striking his own 4D number

Old Timer Hit 4D 1st Prize again and again...

The "Marriage Success" Ritual results are amazing!

Hit with a feeling of extreme benevolence towards me..

Ang Bao of SGD$38 from Old Time Client for Winning 2nd Prize on her own 4D Number

Strike Magnum 4D Prediction on Toto 4D 2nd Prize on 2nd try!

Jade Emperor blessed me with a successful job application- Xavier, Philippines

2 Taoist Sorcery Talismans all the way to Italy

Testimonial for the Ultimate Salesman Talisman - I keep seeing money flowing in to my account

The Five Ghost Talisman has been helping me clear some of my debts!

Sending Taoist Talismans all the way from Singapore to Malta

SGD$18 Ang Bao to Kumantong 4D Master for Winning her own 4D number on 2nd & Consolation

Even computer predictions can never be accurate as You..

Almost throw away the Winng Ticket - Hit Direct System on Starter - SGD$500

Your kids seems to be real powerful - My mum Strike 4D

Client sending other people's amulets / takruts away after getting powerful Kumantong and Taoist Talisman from Taoist Sorcery Master

Thank you very much for the winning number - SGD$200 Ang Bao

Hi! Kumantong 4D Master! Chun Chun Starter!

$100 Ang Bao From Client Who Strike 4D Direct 2nd Prize

Positive Feedback from A Taoist New Yorker On Improvising A Mini Taoist Altar & Burning Of Joss Papers

Testimonials of 'Protection All In One' Talisman & 'Ultimate Playboy 3 In 1' Talisman from a New York Man

Since Getting A Kumantong From U, I had Strike Ibet Starter & Toto System...

Gods Of Wealth Talisman Help Client Strike 4D 3RD Prize!

Win Not Much.. Only Hit DIRECT Consolation Prize on Singapore Pools 4D

I Won Starter tonight! I've been buying for years and haven't won anything in a long time!

Spiritually Empowered Taoist Altar Of A Taoist Westerner from The Netherlands

Magnum 4D Prediction Shoot To Sports Toto 4D as Iperm 2nd Prize!

SGD$888 Ang Bao for Winning Singapore Pools 4D Direct 1st Prize

Successful Gay Love Ritual

Bro, I won starter. Thank u so much. Once i got the money, will give u offering

I Strike $400 on Monday Toto

I Strike 2nd Prize Ibet on Wednesday - B. Chen

Transferred SGD$18 to You as Ang Bao & Offerings for Your Kumantongs

Extreme Love Bonding Ritual - Finally, We had an Intimate & Nice Time together!

I felt some kind of presence when I first held the "Gods Of Wealth" Talisman!

I felt it is working already on the 3rd day of wearing it!

Honest review from a Westerner who kept several Taoist Talismans

Kumantongs answered my prayer - They help me to clear my this month bill!

The 'God OF Wealth' Talisman is awesome!

I Strike 4D Starter $500! I have just transferred $100 to You!

My mom and I strike Singapore 4D Starter - By Praying To Your Kumantongs

Been sending Ang Bao money to You & Your KMTs for the past 3 months!

My partner is missing me now! Thanks for the "Love Bonding" Ritual!

I can sense the Love Bonding Ritual taking effect on both of us!

My beloved partner and I are back together!

You are a BLESSING and a FRIEND...

I have just make a transfer of S$238 to your account for Ang Bao for You and Offerings for Kumantongs - Strike Direct 3rd Prize

Help me buy candy for Your Kumantongs - Strike Ibet Starter

I felt some energy when the moment I received the "Yin Shan Sect 7 In 1 Wealth" (Fast & Furious) Talisman

Help me buy some sweets for Your kumantongs please - Strike 400 Toto

Your kumantong help me to strike again - Strike my own number 1006 ibet and 3123 direct on Wednesday - 11 May 2016

Transferred 150 to You - I won 2nd Prize Ibet - I prayed to the picture of Your 3 Kumantongs

Transferred 100 to You because I strike a bit of Toto

Your kumantongs help me to strike again! - 2nd Prize Ibet

I prayed and wish for my own personal 4D Numbers from the photo of the 3 Kumantongs - It worked

I've received the 'Academic Excellence 3 In 1' Talisman. It looks beautiful and powerful! I'm humbled - T.G, USA

SGD$25 Ang Bao for Striking Blacky Kumantong's 4D Prediction On Singapore Pools 4D

Fox Spirit Talisman Is Working Already! - A.Z, USA

Once I'm Blessed by Your Kumantongs, I've Strike 4D Non-Stop!

The Gods Of Wealth Talisman has helped me to strike a bit - Here is a token of appreciation of $50

"I had a small winning... Thanks to Your Gods Of Wealth Talisman" - Ah Ho

Strike Again & Again & Again By Praying To Her Kumantongs

From Financial Problem To Financial Freedom - Through The Power Of Kumantongs

She strikes 4D Direct Prizes again and again from the blessing of Kumantongs

Kumantongs Keep Blessing Her To Strike Her Own Personal 4D Numbers

Kumantong helped me strike Direct Starter - 9 Dec 2015 - Wednesday

Small Token Of Appredications from members for Winning Singapore Pools Ibet 3rd Prize

Ang Bao Of SGD$88 For Winning Her Own Personal 4D Hitting Direct Starter With The Blessings From Kumantongs

'Hit The Villain' Ritual (打小人) Is A Success - Taoist Sorcery Revenge Black Magic

Kumantong 4D Prediction Is The Real Deal - Testimonial From A Kumantong 4D Subscriber

Ang Bao Of SGD$168 - Your Kumantong Helps Me To Strike Again...